系 所:中兽医系
职 称:副教授
毕师诚,男,bat365在线平台 副教授 硕士生导师。毕业于浙江大学兽医学专业,农学博士,国家执业兽医师,教育部本科论文评审专家,Animal Research and One Health和《中国家禽》青年编委,重庆市科技特派员,主持国家自然科学基金(青年)和重庆市自然科学基金等5项课题,以第一/通讯作者发表论文10余篇,主编(第二)教材1部。
1.Bi, S., J. Shao, Y. Qu, W. Hu, Y. Ma, & L. Cao. 2022a. Hepatic transcriptomics and metabolomics indicated pathways associated with immune stress of broilers induced by lipopolysaccharide. Poult. Sci. 101(12): 102199.
2.Bi, S., Y. Qu, J. Shao, J. Zhang, W. Li, L. Zhang, J. Ni, & L. Cao. 2022. Ginsenoside Rg3 ameliorates stress of broiler chicks induced by Escherichia coli lipopolysaccharide. Front. Vet. Sci. 9: 878018.
3.Bi, S., J. Shao, Y. Qu, W. Xu, J. Li, L. Zhang, W. Shi, & L. Cao. 2022. Serum metabolomics reveal pathways associated with protective effect of ginsenoside Rg3 on immune stress. Poult. Sci. 101(12): 102187.
4. Bi S, Zhang J, Qu Y, Zhou B, He X, Ni J. 2020. Yeast cell wall product enhanced intestinal IgA response and changed cecum microflora species after oral vaccination in chickens. Poult Sci. 99(12):6576-6585.
5. Bi S, Zhang J, Zhang L, Huang K, Li J, Cao L. 2022. Yeast cell wall upregulated cell-mediated immune responses to Newcastle disease virus vaccine. Poult Sci. 101(4):101712.
6. Cao L, Li J, Zhang J, Huang H, Gui F, Xu W, Zhang L, Bi S(通讯作者). 2023. Beta-glucan enhanced immune response to Newcastle disease vaccine and changed mRNA expression of spleen in chickens. Poult Sci. 102(2):102414.
7. Ye J, Yang H, Hu W, Tang K, Liu A, Bi S(通讯作者). 2023. Changed cecal microbiota involved in growth depression of broiler chickens induced by immune stress. Poult Sci. 102(5):102598.
8. 胡卫东,杜林,张莉,李俊,马跃,刘娟, 毕师诚(通讯作者). 2023. 日粮中添加赶黄草提取物对免疫应激肉仔鸡炎症反应的影响及其肝保护作用.中国兽医学报:1-10.